

Last updated: January 24, 2023

Summarytoggle arrow icon

Diuretics are a group of drugs that increase the production of urine. Diuretics are categorized according to the renal structures they act on and the changes they lead to in the volume and composition of urine, as well as electrolyte balance. Some of these effects are useful in treating disorders such as hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperaldosteronism. The most commonly used diuretics with a pronounced diuretic effect are thiazides, loop diuretics, and potassium-sparing diuretics. Osmotic diuretics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are used in acute settings to lower intracranial and/or intraocular pressure (e.g., cerebral edema, acute glaucoma). The most serious side effects of the majority of diuretics include volume depletion and excessive changes in serum electrolyte levels (particularly of sodium and potassium), which increases the risk for cardiac arrhythmias.

Overview of diureticstoggle arrow icon

Overview of diuretic agents

Overview of diuretic agents
Agents Indications Mechanism of action Adverse effects Contraindications Interactions
Osmotic agents (e.g., mannitol, urea)
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (e.g., acetazolamide) [2]
Thiazide diuretics (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide)
  • Inhibition of Na+-Cl- cotransporters in the early distal tubule segment
  • ↑ Reabsorption of Ca2+
Loop diuretics Sulfonamides (e.g., furosemide) [3]
Ethacrynic acid [4]
Potassium-sparing diuretics Aldosterone receptor antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone) [5]
Epithelial sodium channel blockers (triamterene, amiloride)

Overview of diuretic effects

Agents Water elimination Effects on serum
pH Na+ K+ Ca2+
Osmotic diuretics
  • Significantly increased
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  • Slightly increase
  • Decreased
  • Slightly decreased
  • Slightly decreased
  • Slightly decreased
Thiazide diuretics [6]
  • Increased
  • Increased [7]
  • Decreased
  • Decreased
  • Increased

Loop diuretics

  • Significantly increased
  • Increased
  • Normal/slightly decreased
  • Decreased
  • Decreased

Potassium-sparing diuretics

  • Slightly increased
  • Decreased
  • Decreased
  • Increased
  • No change

Mechanisms of blood acid-base balance changes


  • Agents: loop diuretics and thiazides
  • Mechanisms
    • Diuresis → volume contraction (i.e., volume loss) ; RAAS ↑ ATII → Na+/H+ exchanger in the PCT; HCO3- reabsorption (contraction alkalosis)
    • K+excretion → hypokalemia, leading to the following effects:
      • Induction of H+ excretion (instead of K+ excretion) in exchange for Na+ reabsorption in the collecting duct → ↑ HCO3- reabsorption → alkalosis with paradoxical aciduria
      • Induction of H+/K+-ATPases in all cells; in order to counteract the decrease in serum K+ K+ outflow from the cells in exchange for H+ ↓ serum H+ metabolic alkalosis


Thiazide diureticstoggle arrow icon


  • Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
  • Chlorthalidone
  • Chlorothiazide
  • Metolazone

Mechanism of action

Side effects [9]

To avoid hypokalemia, thiazide diuretics may be combined with potassium-sparing diuretics (e.g., aldosterone receptor antagonists).
To remember the side effects of thiazide diuretics, think of “hyperGLUC”: hyperGlycemia, hyperLipidemia, hyperUricemia, and hyperCalcemia.



Thiazides should be used with caution in patients with prediabetes and diabetes mellitus because they can cause hyperglycemia and changes in glucose concentration.


Loop diureticstoggle arrow icon


  • Sulfonamides: furosemide, torsemide, bumetanide
  • Other: ethacrynic acid

Mechanism of action [16]

To recall that loop diuretics cause increased excretion of calcium, think: loops lose calcium!

Side effects [17]

To recall the side effects of loop diuretics, think of “GO PANDA”: Gout, Ototoxicity, low Potassium, Allergy, Nephritis, Dehydration, Alkalosis.

To remember that loop diuretics are ototoxic, imagine a vertical loop of a roller coaster and deafening screams of people passing through it.

Hypokalemia and/or hypomagnesemia can lead to life-threatening arrhythmias!

Indications [18]

Because of the increased risk of hypokalemia and hypovolemia during forced diuresis, rigorous monitoring is necessary.


Contraindications for loop diuretics
Condition Furosemide Torsemide Bumetanide Ethacrynic acid
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
Sulfonamide hypersensitivity
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
Hepatic coma or severe electrolyte depletion
  • No
  • No
  • Yes
  • No

History of severe watery diarrhea (caused by the drug)

  • No
  • No
  • No
  • Yes

Potassium-sparing diureticstoggle arrow icon


To remember that Spironolactone, Triamterene, Eplerenone, and Amiloride are K+-sparing, think of STEAK!

Mechanism of action

Although the molecular pathways differ, both types of potassium-sparing diuretics have very similar clinical effects.

Spironolactone and eplerenone are aldosterone receptor antagonists.

Side effects





Osmotic diureticstoggle arrow icon


  • Mannitol
  • Urea [21]

Mechanism of action

Side effects



Carbonic anhydrase inhibitorstoggle arrow icon


  • Acetazolamide

Mechanism of action

Side effects



ACetazolamide causes ACidosis.

Referencestoggle arrow icon

  1. Shankar SS, Brater DC. Loop diuretics: from the Na-K-2Cl transporter to clinical use. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2003; 284 (1): p.F11-21.doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00119.2002 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  2. Sica DA. Diuretic-Related Side Effects: Development and Treatment. J Clin Hypertens. 2004; 6 (9): p.532-40.
  3. Oh SW, Han SY. Loop Diuretics in Clinical Practice. Electrolyte Blood Press. 2015; 13 (1): p.17-21.doi: 10.5049/EBP.2015.13.1.17 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  4. Ravnan SL, Ravnan MC, Deedwania PC. Diuretic Resistance and Strategies to Overcome Resistance in Patients With Congestive Heart Failure. Congest Heart Fail. 2002; 8: p.80–85.doi: 10.1111/j.1527-5299.2002.0758.x . | Open in Read by QxMD
  5. Shorr et al. Drugs for the Geriatric Patient. Elsevier ; 2007
  6. Huang EA, Feldman BJ, Schwartz ID, Geller DH, Rosenthal SM, Gitelman SE. Oral urea for the treatment of chronic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in children. J Pediatr. 2006; 148 (1): p.128-131.doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2005.08.031 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  7. $MANNITOL injection, for intravenous use.
  8. $DIAMOX® SEQUELS® (Acetazolamide Extended-Release Capsules).
  9. $Furosemide Injection, USP.
  10. $Ethacrynic Acid Tablets USP.
  11. $Aldactone® spironolactone tablets, USP.
  12. Ellison DH, Loffing J. Thiazide effects and adverse effects: insights from molecular genetics. Hypertension. 2009; 54 (2): p.196-202.doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.109.129171 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  13. Greenberg A. Diuretic complications.. Am J Med Sci. 2000; 319 (1): p.10-24.
  14. Finch CK, Kelley KW, Williams RB. Treatment of Lithium-Induced Diabetes Insipidus with Amiloride. Pharmacotherapy. 2003; 23 (4): p.546-550.doi: 10.1592/phco.23.4.546.32121 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  15. Katzung BG, Masters S, Trevor A. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 12/E. McGraw Hill Professional ; 2012
  16. Pickkers et al. Thiazide-induced hyperglycaemia: A role for calcium-activated potassium channels?. Diabetologia. 1996; 39 (7): p.861-864.doi: 10.1007/s001250050522 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  17. Becker MA. Diuretic-induced hyperuricemia and gout. In: Post TW, ed. UpToDate. Waltham, MA: UpToDate. Last updated: April 20, 2016. Accessed: February 22, 2017.
  18. Hwang KS, Kim GH. Thiazide-induced hyponatremia. Electrolyte Blood Press. 2010; 8 (1): p.51-57.doi: 10.5049/EBP.2010.8.1.51 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  19. Rehman A, Setter SM, Vue MH. Drug-Induced Glucose Alterations Part 2: Drug-Induced Hyperglycemia. Diabetes Spectrum. 2011; 24 (4): p.234-238.doi: 10.2337/diaspect.24.4.234 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  20. Boussemart T, Nsota J, Martin–Coignard D, Champion G. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: treat with caution. Pediatric Nephrology. 2009; 24 (9): p.1761-1763.doi: 10.1007/s00467-009-1187-9 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  21. Magaldi AJ. New insights into the paradoxical effect of thiazides in diabetes insipidus therapy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2000; 15 (12): p.1903-1905.doi: 10.1093/ndt/15.12.1903 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  22. Wulf NR, Matuszewski KA. Sulfonamide cross-reactivity: Is there evidence to support broad cross-allergenicity?. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. 2013; 70 (17): p.1483-1494.doi: 10.2146/ajhp120291 . | Open in Read by QxMD
  23. Katzung B,Trevor A. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. McGraw-Hill Education ; 2014

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