Peripheral nerve injuries result from systemic diseases (e.g., diabetes, autoimmune disease) or localized damage (e.g., trauma, compression, tumors) and manifest with neurological deficits distal to the level of the lesion. They occur as isolated neurological conditions or, more commonly, in association with soft tissue, vascular, and/or skeletal damage. Peripheral nerve injury can cause sensory deficits, loss of motor function, or a combination of both. Diagnosis is based on clinical evaluation, imaging techniques (x-ray, CT/MRI), and electrodiagnostic examination (e.g., nerve conduction study, EMG). Observation and conservative treatment (e.g., activity modification, splinting, electrical stimulation) are indicated in most closed injuries, which have a high rate of spontaneous recovery. Patients with open injuries or long disease courses may require surgical treatment. Recovery from peripheral nerve injury is often incomplete and patients may experience chronic pain.
Types of nerve fibers
Nerve fiber overview | |||||
Nerve fibers | Myelination | Impulse conduction velocity (m/s) | Afferent fibers | Efferent fibers | |
A | Aα (Ia, Ib) |
Aβ (II) |
| ||
Aγ |
| |||
Aδ (III) |
| ||
B |
| ||
C (IV) |
Types of nerve damage
Classification of peripheral nerve injury is useful for determining the prognosis and choosing a treatment strategy.
- Compression injury causing temporary disruption of nerve conduction
- The whole nerve remains structurally intact.
- Good prognosis with complete recovery of nerve function
Axonotmesis [1]
- The axon is damaged but the perineurium and epineurium remain intact.
Leads to central chromatolysis
- Definition: the reaction of a neuronal cell body in response to an axonal injury
- Function: increase in protein synthesis to help restore the integrity of the damaged axon
- Swelling of the neuronal body
- Dispersion of the Nissl bodies
- Displacement of the nucleus to the periphery
Results in Wallerian degeneration
- Definition: an active neuronal degeneration process in response to axonal injury
- To clear axonal debris and prevent scarring
- Facilitate targeted reinnervation and functional recovery of tissues previously innervated by that axon before injury
- Initially retained electrical excitability of axonal membrane distal to the injury, lasting up to 36 hours
- Progressive degeneration of distal segment cytoskeleton with dissolution of axonal membrane
- Degradation of residual myelin sheath by macrophages and Schwann cells
- The proximal stump either stays in place or retracts slightly
- Ultimately, the cell body will sprout regenerative nerve fibers that, ideally, reinnervate the distal tissues.
- Regeneration is significantly more efficient in the peripheral nervous system than in the central nervous system.
- Good chance of at least partial recovery
Neurotmesis [1]
- Complete nerve transection
- Connective sheath damage
- The chances of recovery are very poor without surgical repair.
Traumatic neuroma
- Benign, painful nodular thickening caused by nerve regeneration at the site of different forms of nerve injury
Nerve injuries in the upper body
Brachial plexus injuries [2][3]
Erb palsy
- Injury to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus (C5–C6)
Excessive lateral flexion of the neck
- Trauma (e.g., falling on the head and shoulder in a motorcycle accident)
- Birth injury: excessive lateral traction on the neck during delivery and shoulder dystocia
Excessive lateral flexion of the neck
Clinical features
Weakness of muscles in the C5 and C6 myotomes → flexed wrist with an extended forearm and internally rotated and adducted arm (waiter's tip posture)
Weak biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis
- Impaired flexion and supination of the forearm
- Absent biceps reflex
- Weak infraspinatus and supraspinatus → impaired external rotation of the arm
- Weak deltoid and supraspinatus → impaired arm abduction
- Weak wrist extensors → impaired wrist extension
Weak biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis
- Asymmetric Moro reflex in infants (absent or impaired on the affected side)
- Sensory loss in the C5 and C6 dermatomes (thumb and lateral surface of the forearm and arm)
Weakness of muscles in the C5 and C6 myotomes → flexed wrist with an extended forearm and internally rotated and adducted arm (waiter's tip posture)
- Immobilization in flexion and external rotation with an abduction brace
- Physiotherapy
- Surgery for severe nerve damage or prolonged cases
For weakened muscles in Erb's palsy, imagine BIRDS eating hERBS served by a waiter: Biceps brachii, Infraspinatus, wRist extensors, Deltoid, Supraspinatus, waiter's tip posture.
Klumpke palsy
- Injury to the lower trunk of the brachial plexus (C8–T1)
Hyperabduction of the arm
- Trauma (e.g., breaking a fall by grabbing a branch)
- Birth injury: excessive upward traction on the arm during delivery
- Compression of the lower trunk of brachial plexus (subacute to chronic onset)
Hyperabduction of the arm
Clinical features
- Weakness of intrinsic hand muscles (thenar, hypothenar, lumbricals, interossei) → total claw hand (persistent flexion of the interphalangeal joints and extension of the metacarpophalangeal joints in the hand)
- Preganglionic Horner syndrome if injury occurs proximal to the white ramus communicans
- Decreased peripheral pulses if subclavian vessels are compressed by a Pancoast tumor or cervical rib (see “Thoracic outlet syndrome”)
- Absent grasp reflex in infants
- Sensory loss in the C8 and T1 dermatomes (little finger and medial surface of the forearm and arm)
- Splinting the hand to correct the claw hand
- Physiotherapy
- Surgery for severe nerve damage
Peripheral nerve injuries in the upper extremity
- Distal nerve lesions are more likely to cause claw deformities (e.g., ulnar claw or median claw) because they result in a loss of lumbrical function with intact extrinsic flexors
- In proximal nerve lesions, hand distortions (e.g., pope's blessing) are only visible when the patient tries to flex the fingers or make a fist.
Overview of peripheral nerve injuries in the upper extremity | ||||
Injured nerve | Nerve roots | Common causes | Motor deficits | Sensory deficits |
Axillary nerve injury |
Musculocutaneous nerve injury |
| |
Radial nerve injury |
Median nerve injury |
| |
Recurrent branch of median nerve injury |
Peripheral nerve injuries in the cervicothoracic region
Overview of peripheral nerve injuries in the cervicothoracic region | ||||
Injured nerve | Nerve roots | Innervated muscles | Common causes | Motor deficits |
| |
Suprascapular nerve injury |
| |
Dorsal scapular nerve injury |
| ||
Long thoracic nerve injury |
| ||
Thoracodorsal nerve injury |
Diaphragm innervation: "C3, 4, 5 keep the diaphragm alive."
Phrenic nerve paralysis
Anatomical course of the nerve
- Originates as a branch from the cervical plexus of C3–C5
- Passes ventrally on the anterior scalene muscle before descending into the chest wall
- Runs between pleura and pericardium accompanied by pericardiacophrenic artery and vein
- Supplies motor innervation of the diaphragm and sensory innervation of the pericardium, parietal pleura (mediastinal and diaphragmatic part), and peritoneum
- Unilateral
- Trauma
- Iatrogenic (e.g., cardiac surgery)
- Compression (e.g., malignancy)
- Bilateral
- Motor neuron diseases (e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
- Neuropathies (e.g., Guillain-Barré syndrome, post-polio syndrome)
- Cervical spine surgery
- Trauma
- Tumor
- Unilateral
Clinical features
Unilateral paralysis
- Often asymptomatic
- Exertional dyspnea possible
- Bilateral paralysis: severe dyspnea
Unilateral paralysis
Unilateral phrenic nerve paralysis
- Decreased respiratory movement
- Dull on percussion
- Ipsilateral diaphragmatic elevation
- Possibly mediastinal shift
- Compression atelectasis
- Fluoroscopy: paradoxical elevation of the paralyzed hemidiaphragm on respiration or on asking the patient to sniff (sniff test)
- Bilateral phrenic nerve paralysis
- Spirometry: decreased vital capacity
- Diaphragmatic electromyography
Unilateral phrenic nerve paralysis
- Mechanical ventilation may be required.
- Possible implantation of a diaphragmatic pacemaker
Nerve injuries in the lower body
Overview of nerve injuries in the lower body | ||||
Injured nerve | Common causes | Motor deficits | Sensory deficits | |
Iliohypogastric nerve injury |
Genitofemoral nerve injury |
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury (meralgia paresthetica) |
Femoral nerve injury |
| |
Obturator nerve injury |
| ||
Superior gluteal nerve injury |
Common peroneal nerve injury |
Sciatic nerve injury |
Tibial nerve injury |
| |
Sural nerve injury |
| |
Inferior gluteal nerve injury |
Differences between tibial nerve and peroneal nerve injuries: TIPPED
• Tibial → impaired foot Inversion and Plantarflexion
• Peroneal → impaired foot Eversion and Dorsiflexion
The diagnosis of peripheral nerve injuries is based on a thorough clinical history, neurological examination, and, in some cases, diagnostic tests (e.g., x-ray if fracture is suspected).
- Plain x-ray: detection of compression or transection due to dislocated bone or fracture segments
- CT/MRI: evaluation of causes like nerve tumors, avulsions, and focal soft tissue pathologies
Electrodiagnostic studies: detect and grade nerve injury, nerve compression, and identify early stages of recovery
- Electroneurography (nerve conduction study): analysis of a muscle's electrical activity in response to stimulation of its supplying nerve
- Needle electromyography (EMG)
Conservative treatment [6]
- Expectant management (e.g., closed injuries of the nerve with a high rate of spontaneous recovery)
- Activity modification (e.g., avoid sports or activities that increase the likelihood of further nerve injury)
Splinting [7]
- Prevents stiffness and contractures of joints
- Supports residual nerve functionality and reinnervation
- Physiotherapy
- Electrical stimulation: supports the regeneration of the proximal axons and reinnervation of the denervated muscles after surgical nerve repair [8]
- Nonopioid analgesics (e.g., NSAIDs)
- Infiltration with local anesthetics
- Drug therapy
- Treatment of chronic neuropathic pain following peripheral nerve injury (e.g., gabapentin) [9]
- Used in combination with surgical treatment to enhance remyelination and motor regeneration (e.g., lithium) [10]
Surgical repair
- Open, non-contaminated, sharp injuries and concomitant vascular injuries → immediate surgical exploration and repair
- Open, contaminated injuries and postreduction palsy → early surgical exploration and repair (within 3 weeks)
- Patients without clinical or electromyographic signs of spontaneous recovery → delayed surgical exploration and repair (within 3 months)
- Nerve repair (neurorrhaphy): reconstruction of nerve continuity
- Nerve transfer: an intact healthy nerve is redirected towards a denervated nerve in order to restore the innervation of its target organ
- Tendon transfer: a tendon from a sufficiently powerful muscle is redirected towards another tendon in order to restore its motion and function